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4vve National Coverage Project

Diquini 63, Carrefour, Haiti, Campus of the Adventist University

Voice of Hope radio is the Adventist Radio station in Haiti. She celebrates on January 22, 2022
her 40th anniversary of ministry in Haiti.
To mark these 40 years, we are launching an ambitious project to cover the whole country with
our signals on the FM transmission

Voice of Hope Radio is the radio station of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Haiti. On January 22, 2022, she celebrated her 40th anniversary of ministry in Haiti.

On the occasion of these 40 years, we launched the national coverage project which consists of covering the 10 departments of the country with our signals on the FM band.

Haiti is going through extremely difficult times, the situation is dark, we are witnessing the closure of several places of worship, thousands of brothers and sisters can no longer attend places of worship for Sabbath worship and evening services, Thus , The siblings experience difficult situations that could even affect their faith.

Faced with this lamentable situation, Radio Voix de L’Espérance becomes the best option to reach brothers and sisters, organize Sabbath morning services and moments of prayer morning, noon and evening on their behalf. Radio Voice of Hope becomes this powerful tool to consolidate the faith of brothers and sisters, to announce to others the good news of salvation at a time of this widespread chaos in the country.

However, after 42 years of service in Haiti, Radio Voix de L’Espérance is present only in four (4) of the ten (10) departments of the country, which constitutes a shortcoming in the accomplishment of its mission because the majority Haitians fail to pick up on its signals and benefit from the lessons it provides.

We therefore understand that it is imperative to highlight this plan, so that all those who live in the country, while insecurity rages, can be its direct beneficiaries.

We transmit from Port-au-Prince and our signals are relayed by 3 studios which are located in 3 of the 10 departments of the country, specifically the North (Nord), the South (Sud), the Artibonite. It is important to point out that these departments are not fully covered; an increase in power is required for full coverage in these 4 departments of the country

We have 10 departments in the country, but 6 do not receive the signals of the radio. These are the departments of the North-East (Nord-est), the Center (Centre), the South-East (Sud-est), the North-West (Nord-ouest), the Grande-Anse, and the Nippes.

Hosting for each site is on the charge of the conference who receives the relay..

The implementation of this project will contribute significantly to the wholeness of the Haitian people and will consolidate the faith of believers and educate everybody in the country..

  1. The Haitian society educational level is enhanced by audio broadcasts of the radio
  2. Young people are better prepared for the future
  3. The Haitian society educational level is enhanced by audio broadcasts of the radio
  4. The quality of life of families is improved
  5. Young people are better prepared for the future


For more details or precision, feel free to contact the General Manager of the Haitian Adventist Media Center on whatsApp +50937239769 Thanks!